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Root of Evil the True Story of the Hotel Family Podcast

Dear friends

It's day ten of the Russian special operation and in this commentary I will attempt to sum upwards some of the most critical developments.  And so here nosotros get:

Get-go, the now obligatory map of the situation as of yesterday evening:

I won't comment much because either information technology is self-evident to you and my commentary is not needed, or this looks similar an imminent Ukrainian victory over a "miscalculating Putin" to y'all, in which case no comments of mine are going to aid either.  So no more comments near the map for right now :-)


  • According to am internal Ukrainian certificate which has been circulating on the Runet, evidently a leak from the Ukie security quango, which admits xl% of the Ukrainian territory is under Russian command and over 75% of the Ukie military was destroyed.  Considering the amount of fakes out there, I cannot vouch for the authenticity of this certificate, simply I volition discover that those 2 figures (40% territory and 75% of the military) are exactly what I have been estimating myself, especially the size of the remaining military (which is much more than of import than belongings territory).
  • Why are the Russian calling this a "special performance"?  I would argue that this is a type of operation which has never been seen before.  Ever.  My friend Andrei Martyanov coined a very good term, he chosen information technology a "combined arms police operation".  Let me explain "combined arms" is, in the Russian military terminology, the "the principal form of gainsay of modern armies, in which the efforts of formations, units and units of various types of ground forces are combined and coordinated with the actions of other types of armed forces".  This blazon of warfare can just be conducted by combined arms units and implies an operational-level dimension.  In other words, a combined arms operation has nothing in common with a constabulary operation, all the same in this case Andrei Martyanov is right – what we are seeing here is a police operation whose aim is to disarm and apprehend/neutralize a criminal force which itself is so big that information technology is capable of operational-level warfare.  Usually, police operations are always on the low stop of  tactical level sectrum (partitioning, brigade, regiment, battalion, visitor, platoon) and rarely involve more mayhap a few APCs.  This is clearly non the case today in the Ukraine where combat operations are clearly reaching operational and even strategic levels.
  • What does that hateful in practise?  Offset and foremost, that the goal of the operation is to deny the enemy the use of all the technologies and infrastructure needed to operational level gainsay: communications, ammunition, petroleum, oil, lubricants, air support, reconnaissance and targeting, etc. etc. etc.  In one case that goal has been achieved, you cannot speak of a "Ukrainian armed forces" anymore, but only of specific subunits fighting at a tactical level.  Once more, the goal is non to kill a maximal number of Ukies or to flatten cities.  The goal is to lower the level or combat operations the Ukies are capable of.  This objective is been almost completely accomplished.  The primal indicator of this success is that the Ukies are non capable of coordinated maneuver anymore.  Even improve (or worse, depending on whom y'all support), the Russian have full air superiority, which makes whatever movements very very dangerous (Russian stock-still and rotary wing CAS operations include "complimentary hunts" in free fire zones).
  • What about the cities and then?  Cities provide a very desirable environment for defensive operations, especially if you are willing to have a lot of civilian casualties.  In our case, not merely are the Ukronazis willing, they have established an unabridged system to maximize causalities.  In several cities the Ukies are property the locals has human shields (retrieve that under the Bandera ideology, the eastern Ukrainians are "separs" which only deserve death anyway, and so murdering them is a no-brainer).  In some cases, the sides did concur to humanitarian corridors, only every city in which in that location is a hardcore Nazi deathsquad the civilians are banned from leaving nad even ordered in specific dorms, schools, building which are they used by the Ukronazis.
  • Coming back to Martyanov'south "combined arms police force operation", delight understand that this is not a "police performance" in the US sense of the word during the war against Korea where the USAF ran out of targets to bomb since they totally destroyed all of north Korea.  In this instance, the Russians are Really going out of their fashion to non only spare lives, but besides spare the civilians infrastructure, and not only because the Russians do run into the Ukrainians as they own people, only also because each building destroyed past Russia is one that Russia will take to pay for its reconstruction.  Then this is truly a very special performance in the sense that it is conducted on a scale and with methods previously unseen in human history.
  • Now nosotros need to await at PSYOPs again. I would argue that western PSYOPs were absolutely superb in their coordination and effectiveness.  Oh sure, the Russians did expect some of it, but the calibration I think must have stunned the Kremlin.  And now, a week into this, the Russians are conspicuously fed up.  The Russian just past a law foreseeing criminal charges against deliberately spreading fake news about the armed forces.  As a result, all these western PSYOP agencies are leaving Russia: ABC News, BBC, Bloomberg, CBC, CBS News, CNN and there will be more.  Furthermore, both Twitter and Facebook are now blocked in Russia.  Equally for the worst 5th column outlets inside Russia (Dozhd, Meduza) they are now also being close down.  Frankly, and considering how the West is blocking not merely RT and Sputnik, but even unabridged domain names like .ru or .su, I think that information technology was high time to retaliate against western PSYOP outlets.  Ditto for the way the U.s. and other governments take taken action to silence even private blogs and websites, I would say that improve belatedly then never.
  • The current US PSYOP narrative about the Russians brainstorm defeated and on full retreat will non survive this calendar week-stop, so it will at present shift to "the Putin's Mordor Gulag is being extended over the suffering Ukraine".  Furthermore, remember all the accusations of genocide against the Serbs in Bosnia, Croatia and Kosovo?  This is what volition happen to Russia next – a massive wave of accusations of atrocities and genocide. As somebody who had access to classified info during the war against the Serbian nation, I can attest that even if the facts on the ground unambiguously evidence the opposite, the western PSYOPs and their presstitutes don't care one bit and, frankly, neither do those who voluntarily listen to, or read, the constant stream of vomit spewed past the so called "complimentary and democratic press"

This is crucial: the Empire of Lies is lying, of grade, but it as well knows the true score. Which means that at present that the W has lost the war in the Ukraine it needs two things: every bit many dead (on all sides) as possible and to make the most political capital possible from this state of war, which means that non only must information technology last as long as possible, simply it has to "deliver" the biggest number of deaths, maimed and injured .  Too, that kind of stuff pushes all the correct "emotional buttons" and prevents the audience from using its analytical capabilities, however tiny these might be.

Whatever halfway competent military commander who would wait at the map above would immediately see that the only rational decision at this indicate is for the Ukrainians to surrender: that map is really a no brainer.  But since orders come from Uncle Shmuel and since Uncle Shmuel hates Steppe Niggers no less than Snow Niggers, Uncle Shmuel will now aim its immense resource at prolonging that war as long equally possible and with as many casualties as possible.

On a more personal annotation, I accept to say that being a Russian in the West is outright painful.  I can only imagine what Jews must have felt in the 30s in Germany.  The worst office is non to see the herds of passive infantile Goggle box watching idiots being idiots, the worst and nigh heartbreaking is to see people y'all love and respect being totally conned and fully accepting the western PSYOPs narrative.  In my example, it happened with close friends and fifty-fifty clergymen which really ought to know improve (if you are Orthodox, and so you are the spiritual heir to the Roman Empire, which means that you ought to know not only what Franks and Crusaders did in the by, but also realize the full continuity between them, the Franks and Crusaders of the past, and the modern Franks and Crusaders; evidently non all Orthodox Christians can connect these dots, what a shame, really!).  Anyhow, these are lonely days for me and my family.  Then, in quick succession, I saw Roger H2o's interview for RT yesterday, following by the following Israeli headlines:

  • Roger Waters Latest Disgraceful Shilling for Russian federation
  • Roger Waters Heaps Beloved on Russia and Assad In Latest Disgraceful Remarks
  • Roger Waters' Hypocrisy on Total Brandish

In this interview with RT, Roger remembered the day he asked his friend Etienne what gave him courage and Etienne replied "Roger, maybe I am not lonely?".

Well, Roger, if you read these lines, know that thanks to you, I feel that I am mayhap non alone either .  You gave me backbone all my life, and your voice consoled me in my darkest times, and here, once again, you lot are with me.  Thanks Roger, I cannot put in words what that ways to me!

Bluntly, I was sure that the sheer size of the US PSYOP would impact Roger but every bit information technology affected even some of my Russian and Orthodox friends.  And Roger is an artist, a composer, a poet and a musician, but he sure ain't not political science geek.  And he might not get every detail of what is happening (he is manner too decorated, for one thing), but his eye guided him and that goes to show that what the West lacks today is not brains, though these are totally missing as well, but simply a kind center?

The French author Rablais (15th century) once wrote "scientific discipline sans conscience due north'est que ruine de l'âme" which means "science without censor is only the ruin of the soul".

A fitting epitaph on the W's grave if y'all ask me.

And as well a alarm to Russia not to follow the Due west's shameful path into self-devastation: what would be the point of a armed forces victory if Russia becomes only the latest iteration of a terminally westernized nation?  How could Russia salve the Ukraine if she tin can't even save herself spiritually?  Fifty-fifty the all-time war machine on the planet won't save Russia if the souls and brains of young, and not so young, Russians are constantly polluted with materialism, lies, compromises with one's award and, to a higher place all, crass, ugly and vulgar materialism?

The conscience of Russia used to be the Russian Orthodox Church.  What we come across today in Russia is the Moscow Patriarchate being a faithful and obedient mouthpiece for the Kremlin, which is all fine and dandy when a man like Putin sit in ability, but the Moscow Patriarchate served Eltsin just every bit faithfully and if tomorrow, Putin is gone and some Eltsinoid manages to seize power, the Moscow Patriarchate will serve him.

The Church of Christ cannot be a sycophantic retainer of the secular country AND the conscience of a nation.  It is either 1 or the other.  God willing, the events in the Ukraine will bear on Russia in a profound spiritual way, just the way the LDNR serves to remind Russia what she is called to be.  As a good priest friend told me yesterday, "Andrei, God tin can act even through the Sergianists".  He is correct, and that gave me courage at a time when I was feeling frankly desperate by the blindness of my fellow Orthodox Christians.

So yes, things in Russia are bad, particularly spiritually, only I will not surrender hope.  Maybe a new Patriarch like Saint Germogen or a new Metropolitan of Moscow like Saint Philip Two, will exist granted to the Russia nation if we all repent for our sins, compromises, cowardice, and lack of faith (see page 105 here)?  Yeah, it does sound impossible today, especially when I look at "Patriarch Kirill" and his gang, but I chose to identify my trust in the words of Christ Himself: "w ith men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible" (Matt nineteen:23-26).

My next update, unless something major happens, should be tomorrow.  Showtime, I need to spend some time with my family and, second, by tomorrow late evening (Moscow time) things should be much clearer (non that the issue is in any doubt, actually).

Kind regards


The Essential Saker IV: Messianic Narcissism's Agony by a Thousand Cuts

The Essential Saker IV: Messianic Narcissism's Desperation by a Thousand Cuts

The Essential Saker II

The Essential Saker III: Chronicling The Tragedy, Farce And Plummet of the Empire in the Era of Mr MAGA


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